Syracuse University Fall 2010

Think you can beat me?

Via Have you read more than 6 of these books? The BBC believes most people will have read only 6 of the 100 books listed here. I’ve  finished 37 and partially read 9 of these 100 books and I’m only 22. I should be able to finish the rest before I kick the bucket … Continue reading


Dive in to Ondine , a dark but sweet movie starring Colin Farrel and Alicja Bachleda.The deep characters, stunning scenery, and raw emotions in the movie draw you back to shore. Sometimes living in a fairy tale is easier than living in the real world. Syracuse, a fisherman in a tiny town on the Irish … Continue reading

Just one of those days

My Pathetic Reflection

I wrote this poem a year ago for a Spanish class. The premise was that we were looking at ourselves in the mirror, holding a conversation with our own reflections. What did we see? Did we like it? It doesn’t have the same rhythm in the English version, but the feelings seem so much starker. … Continue reading

Una Poema

15 de octubre 2009 Poema imitando Jaime Gil de Biedma   De qué sirve, quisiera yo saber, maquillarte, Cepillarte el pelo, vestirte en ropa cara y bonita? Tienes novia, puta, No necesitas tratar ahora.   Porque tratas de atraer los hombres, Actuar como soltera, coquetear con Cualquier hombre alrededor, mujer insegura, Cuando siempre vengo a … Continue reading

The D Word

People always make sympathetic noises when I tell them that my parents got divorced during my childhood. “Aww, how sad for you,” they say. “Oh, that must have been hard growing up,” they say. “That must make holidays tough,” they say. “Really? Because I get like four Christmases,” I say. When I was six, my … Continue reading


Linger brings a sadness and intensity to Maggie Stiefvater‘s Wolves of Mercy Falls series. Like in all good YA novels, the beauty in this book came out of the complicated relationships, and not some crazy, intricate plot. “This is a love story of a boy who used to be a wolf and a girl who … Continue reading


What do you do when the person you miss most in the world is the boy whose heart you shattered all over the bedroom floor?

Casablanca: It’s a Classic for a Reason

The interesting characters, terrific music and great writing made “Casablanca” an instant classic. This romantic drama justly claims its spot as one of the most well loved films of all time. The story takes place in Casablanca, ruled by the Nazi-sympathetic Vichy French, a stop refugees fleeing war-ridden Europe make on their way to Lisbon. … Continue reading

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